Together we harness the generosity of community resources to help families thrive.

Chris Milk Hulburt, artist

YOU can make a difference.

Just as the RVA region continues to grow, so have the major life challenges of the families and the communities we serve.

father holding daughter


Many parents throughout the RVA region often work long hours or multiple jobs to feed their families and make ends meet. They need some personal time for themselves, genuine encouragement, and opportunities for career counseling and job training.

We help with that.

children at a desk


The schools in our area are the heartbeat of the community. Public school teachers often feel stressed, under appreciated and even unsafe at times. Many school children are behind in reading and math - and many are less emotionally secure, less physically active, and have less access to healthy food.

We help with that.

baby's hand and adult's hand touching

Foster Care

Since 2019, there has been a 90% drop in available families to be trained to become foster parents. There is a severe lack of foster families throughout the RVA region - and the number of children and youth needing foster care continues to grow. RVA’s foster care program needs solutions and support.

We help with that.

woman rinsing vegetables

Senior Citizens

Over 30% of senior citizens in central Virginia live alone and often need access to healthier food, trusted home services, and meaningful opportunities to still find significance in their lives.

We help with that.


Throughout RVA, there are older neighborhoods, whose families are often underemployed and who are experiencing job, healthy food, and housing insecurities.

We help with that.

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Village Green has volunteer opportunities available every day. Join us for flexible and meaningful opportunities to serve your neighbors and community.

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Meet Chef Chris Winans and learn more about our meal program.

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By making a gift today, you harness the generosity and power of community resources for families to thrive.